Thursday, May 19, 2016

An extra: Creation vs Evolution

This is an extra for those who are interested. The title is kind of pushy, but wanted to share as we had some discussion of this in class.
Creation VS Evolution

Friday, May 13, 2016

AP Lab 4 Name That Gene

This lab used the BLAST tool at the NIH website to look up specific Gene sequences.

The analysis for this lab should include the importance of each nucleotide/ Gene sequence.

Including the descriptions below.

AP Lab 13 Virtual Lab Population Biology

This is another on your own/ take home virtual lab.

They will need to complete the data table and journal.  Again, glad to help guide in class if needed.

AP Lab 8 Cellular Respiration Virtual Lab

This lab is an on your own lab.  Its located at
biology place
lab bench
lab 5 cell respiration

They will need to answer the questions and fill out the data table.

Would be glad to help if there are any questions at the next class.

AP Lab 7 Photosynthesis

This lab explains photosynthesis.  The rate of photosynthesis was demonstrated through respiration.  There is a video that accompanies this lab they did not get to watch, so it is linked below.

They were supposed to measure the times of their leaves floating, but then the class ended and I am unsure which students got to measure.  I will try to conduct again and post here for their records.  In my initial test it took 4 minutes for the first disk then a disk/ minute and the last 3 came up together- so 11 minutes total.
We will need to post a control as well.

AP Lab 6 Diffusion Lab

Ran out of time, will add to next class.

Group 1 did this on 05/24
We got good results.  It gave me some ideas on the other diffusion/ osmosis lab- if I have time I will redo that one.

I left the jars up overnight and this morning Matthew and I noticed the process had continued until all of the iodine was in the corn starch.  It was clear, clean water in the jar.  So, for those who like full conclusion- the process continues until its complete.

AP Lab 5 Diffusion and Osmosis

We ran out of time for this lab in class.  Matthew and I will conduct and document.  The class voted to do this instead of add it to a later class.

we conducted the osmosisexperiment and failed.  The change in mass was so minimal we couldn't measure effectively.

Below, I am linking a kinda silly but informative video of 2 students completing the same lab.

Please form a hypothesis

After that watch the experiment through to the final weighing. stop there.

Here is the data:

After you record the data, graph the results and perform your own analysis.

Once you have formed your own conclusion, watch the rest of the video.

Diffusion lab to follow.

Here is a brief video of a potato diffusion lab.  Its a simplified version of the lab we did.  As soon as I calculate and populate the table, I will update the entire lab.

potato diffusion

AP Lab 3 Hardy Weinberg Simulation

All 8 students started with Tt (red and green beads) they paired up and "reproduced" randomly.  At the end of the first round, they had 4 T and 12 t.  The recessive had dominated in random mating.  Performing a bit of math that may have challenged a few, the numbers plugged into the Hardy-Weinberg equation and still arrived at 1.0
Second round, they reproduced similarly only this time the tt or recessive babies were eliminated and reproduction started again.  The end of this round left only TT or dominant babies.  Using the data still equaled 1.0
The final question about eliminating recessive allele was unanimously answered yes- survival of the fittest.

AP Lab 2 Evolution

This lab contained a simulation.  We ran the simulation as a group.  Since the simulation was very confusing and they were not following it very well, we simply ran 200 cycles with the preprogrammed mutation rates.  This is just enough information to answer analysis question 1.

The following information is provided if the students want to run it again on their own and further complete the lab with the correct data and graphs.

In genetics, the mutation rate is a measure of the rate at which various types of mutations occur over time.

A gene mutation is a permanent alteration in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene, such that the sequence differs from what is found in most people.

Selective strength is how strong the environment is pressuring evolution. If the difference of survival rate between two versions of a gene is small then it is not a strong selective force, if there is a large survival difference then the selective force is strong.

Day 3 introduction - powerpoint slides with explanation of day's activities

We ran out of time for labs 5 and 6.  We will do lab 6 at a later class date.  Lab 5, Matthew and I will conduct and document for the class.

I dont think all of the kids get this or its importance.  I have printed and documented a lot of it so they don't find themselves totally lost.

AP Lab 1 Evolution of the Origami Bird

Each group of lab partners created the parent bird and flew it.  Then they created 2-3 generations by flipping coins and rolling dice to create mutations.  The mutations included moving the wings forward or backward and enlarging or shrinking the wings.

Experiment 15.2 Fruits

The students used a peach, apple, kiwi, blackberry, and anything else they could find in my kitchen to cut examine, hopefully sketch and label... and then eat.

Experiment 15.1 Flower Anatomy

Presented with Rose, dandelion, clover, iris, and a weed flower the students dissected the flowers finding the parts in the lab.

They then attempted to get pollen and look at it under the microscope.  I am not sure everyone got to see the pollen.

Experiment 14.3 Dicot/ Monocot Cross Section of roots, stem, and leaf

5 prepared slides to observe
zea mays stem
zea mays root
rannuculus stem
rannuculus root
leaf  cross section